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The pursuit of happiness has been a matter of concern to people around the world for centuries.

At a high percentage, our happiness depends on our DNA, following the preoccupation with things we love and at a lesser percentage our happiness depends on the relationships with the people we love, how good our health is and how much knowledge and experiences we acquire during our lifetime.

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What are the rules of success?

Here are 18 rules that record how I approach my professional development. It is a combination of education, execution, mentality and people.

1. Never say that something is "not possible"-unless something is against the laws of nature. Most things are possible-you just have to be quite resourceful.

- Tales -

During my recent trip to Bogotá, I discovered that the city is full of graffitis. Graffitis everywhere, and of all kinds, styles and sizes! They were sometimes covering up an entire facade, and some others "just" completing with harmony the architecture of a building. I also discovered that there is an actual "Bogota Graffiti Tour" with an actual website! The tour has been part of the Bogota’s graffiti scene since 2011.

- Stories -

We've reached at Puno. The aim is to go to Amandani an island in Lake Titicaca where there is the temple of Pachamama. A temple that honors the feminine deities. We have learned that we can be hosted by locals and stay there overnight

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1. When it comes celebrate it.
2. What you give, you will get.
3. Understand that love is a mirror-it will show us who we are if we allow it.
4. Only we can make ourselves happy, it is not the others person’s responsibility.
5. Do not say words with the intent to harm.
6. Accept and forgive easily.
7. Don't be afraid to disagree, it's healthy.
8. Never be too busy for each other.
9. Do not punish.
10. Accept the sincere criticism, it's good for us.
11. Admit when you are wrong, quickly.
12. Support each other when things get tough.