- Adventures -


Water fall picture - adventure in Jamaica

The unbearable relativity of time.

We have finally reached the Strawberry Hills.

It's the base camp to climb to the top of the Blue Mountains.

Yes, that’s where the famous coffee grows.

Dusted all over, we discover that there is a water shortage in those days.

"Don't worry, 20 minutes from here there is a waterfall" they inform us.

Wonderful. A little walk.

In one hour of descent, there are no cascades anywhere. The few locals who meet us say "a little further down."

And we're still descending, and there is nothing yet .

2.5 hours later we arrive. I'm mad.

The waterfall is the coldest I've ever met.

After taking a bath with Zen exercises, the road to return begins where for 3.5 hours I swear that there is no way to reach at the top tomorrow before dawn.

"You go. I'll stay, I will sleep and I will wait. "

Of course I went.

Pride didn't allow me to stay behind.

After every hour I stopped for a cigarette and swore (as usual) that this would be the last time I ascend.

When we got to the top, the sun had risen.

The spectacle was breathtaking.

I cannot describe how many hours it took me to go down.

At the last kilometer I was thinking of rolling down because my knees hurt.

My legs were swollen for a week...

Would I do trekking again???

This is another story...

Interests in Jamaica

The Blue Mountain Peak is the highest mountain in Jamaica and one of the highest peaks in the Caribbean at 2.256 meters (7.402 feet). It is the home of Blue Mountain Coffee and their famous excursions. It is located on the border of the Jamaica celebrations of Portland and St. Thomas.

The Blue Mountains are considered by many to be the paradise of hikers and campers. The so-called "Blue Mountain Route" requires a 10 km hike to the top of the mountain, and consists of a height difference of 3,000 feet (1,000 m). Jamaicans prefer to reach the top at sunrise, so the 3-4-hour ride-usually takes place in the dark. Since the sky is usually very clean in the mornings, Cuba shows at a distance.

Some of the plants found on Blue Mountain cannot be found in any other part of the world and are often "dwarfs". This is mainly due to the cold climate that hinders their growth. The small communities of coffee cultivation Claverty Cottage and Hagley Gap are located near the top.